In order to obtain more detailed information - real life cases and practical exercises, templates, sample diagnostic studies, movies and case studies -
A well-designed and executed selection process is a precondition for a successful initiative. It permits the identification of clusters where the impact of the intervention can be maximized given available time and resources...
This section presents an introduction to the role and functions of a Cluster Development Agent (CDA) as well as to the overall cluster governance system...
This section presents an introduction to "Cluster Diagnostic Study" - an action-oriented and participatory exercise, which follows the process of cluster selection and provides the basis for the formulation and implementation of cluster action plans. ..
This section will show you how to analyze and use the information collected during the diagnostic study (cluster diagnostics) to guide the processes of vision building and action planning in your cluster...
This section will explore the issues involved in implementation of activities and sustainability within the context of cluster development initiatives...